p=A Temporary Monk%7Cundefined undefined%7Cundefined%7CImages and audio by Shauna Bittle for the Courier News%2E%7Cabstract here%2E%2E%2E&m=undefined%7Cundefined%7C0%7C1%7C1%7C138763%7CFFFFFF%7C000000&n=version%7C95%5Eheadline%7Cheadline%20foo%20here%2E%2E%2E%5Ecredits%7CImages%20and%20audio%20by%20Shauna%20Bittle%20for%20the%20Courier%20News%2E%5Eabstract%7Cabstract%20here%2E%2E%2E%5Eheader%5Fheadline%7CA%20Temporary%20Monk%5Eheader%5Ffont%5Fhex%7C000000%5Eheader%5Fhex%7CFFFFFF%5Eheader%5Fheight%7C30%5Ebody%5Fhex%7C000000%5Ebody%5Fframe%5Fhex%7C000000%5Econtrols%5Fhex%7C333333%5Econtrols%5Fstyle%7Cdefault%5Efooter%5Fhex%7CFFFFFF%5Efooter%5Ffont%5Fhex%7C000000%5Efooter%5Fheight%7C18%5Ehtmlbg%5Fhex%7CFFFFFF%5Eplayer%5Fstyle%7Cdefault%5EautoStart%7Cfalse%5EautoShowCaptions%7Cfalse%5Edisplay%5Fsizes%7Cfalse%5Edisplay%5Fheadline%7Ctrue%5Edisplay%5Ffooter%7Ctrue%5EshowCredits%7Cfalse%5EshowCaptions%7Ctrue%5Eembed%5Fstyle%7Cfalse%5Ecenter%7Ctrue%5Eheader%5Fheadline%5Ffont%7CGeorgia%5Ecaption%5Ffont%5Fface%7CGeorgia%5Ecaption%5Ffont%5Fsize%7C12%5Efooter%5Ffont%5Fface%7CGeorgia%5Efooter%5Ffont%5Fsize%7C12%5Etlength%7C2606420%5Efla%7C830259%5Eswf%7C935303%5Euser%7Cundefined&t=0%7Cflag%5Ftemple%2Ejpg%7CThe Wat Lao Buddharam on the outskirts of Hampshire%2C IL%2E The Lao community in the Fox Valley is amongst the largest in the United States%2E%5E813%7Ctwoheads%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay prepares to have his hair cut by Head Monk Ven%2E Daosavanh Phommasene in the first steps of becoming a monk for a week at the Wat Lao Buddharam of Northern Illinois on Saturday%2C April 12%2C 2008%2E It is a tradition in the Lao culture for young men to become a monk for a short period of time%2E The practice helps the novice to learn about Buddhism and strengthens the bonds between the community and the temple%2E %5E4535%7Crobes%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay looks over the white robes he will wear during the ceremony in which he will become a novice monk at the Wat Lao Buddharam on April 12%2C 2008%2E %5E8072%7Cshave1%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay is shaved by cousin Soulysak Trichanh prior to his ordination%2E His eyes quietly filled with tears as the locks fell away%2E %22My hair is how I express myself%2C%22 says Insyxiengmay%2E%5E11436%7Cshave%5Feyebrows%2Ejpg%7CMonk May Sisoulat shaves Insyxiengmay%27s eyebrows%2E %5E15390%7Clast%5Fcigarette%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay smokes a final cigarette with niece Viravone Phathammavong before the ceremony in which he becomes a temporary monk%2E%5E19479%7Cmama%5Fcane%2Ejpg%7CSommana Chantharasy leads her son to the altar where he will become a monk for a week%2E Lao Buddhists believe that young men accrue merits by becoming temporary monks%2C and that those merits belong to the parents as well%2C in thanks for the effort the parent puts into raising their child%2E%5E23015%7C704%5Fstring3%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay holds his mother%27s hand as his wrists are tied with string at the beginning of the ordination ceremony%2E The tying of string is done to ensure that good spirits do not leave the body of the novice monk%2E %5E27431%7Cfirst%5Ftime%5Frobed%2Ejpg%7CHead monk Ven%2E Daosavanh Phommasene helps wrap Dang Insyxiengmay in orange robes for the first time during the ordination ceremony at the Wat Lao Buddharam in Burlington%2C Il%2E on Saturday%2C Apr%2E 12%2C 2008%2E %5E30796%7Csammana%5Fpray%2Ejpg%7CSommana Chantharasy prays with family as her son becomes a monk on Saturday%2C April 12%2E%5E34437%7Caltar%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay sits silently on the altar during a ceremony at the Lao Buddhist temple%2E Insyxiengmay struggled to learn the chants during the first few days of his time at the temple%5E37406%7Csneakers%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay slips off his Adidas sneakers as he enters the temple residence%2E He eventually traded his red shoes for a pair of sandals%2E%5E41345%7Crobe1%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay puzzles over wrapping his robes in his shared room at the temple%2E%5E45254%7Cwalk%5Falone%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay spends some of his time between work and chores walking the land belonging to the temple in rural Illinois%2E%5E49096%7Cbookshelf%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay selects a book on Buddhism from a shelf in the temple residence%2E Through his reading%2C he came to learn the prayers chanted by the monks daily%2C and learned about the beliefs held by Lao Buddhists%2E Although his family members are devout Buddhists%2C Insyxiengmay adopted a Christian belief system in his childhood%2E%5E52580%7Cread%2Ejpg%7CInsyxiengmay reads Dhammic texts at the edge of the temple property%2E%5E56116%7Cnick%5Fbookmark%5F1%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay uses a bookmark featuring a picture of his nephew Nicholas Insyxiengmay as he reads books on Buddhism%2E Insyxiengmay has taken over guardianship of Nicholas and shares with his mother in the raising of him%2E%5E59190%7Cgrace%2Ejpg%7CThe monks of the Wat Lao Buddharam pray before eating%2E The monks depend on community members to privide food for them%2C and eat just one meal per day%2E%5E62622%7Cjon%5Fdao%5Ftap%2Ejpg%7CVen%2E Daosavanh Phommasene touches Dang Insyxiengmay%27s shoulder during the ceremony in which he returns to life as a lay person on Sunday%2C April 20%2E%5E65979%7Csit%5Fin%5Ftemple%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay kneels before a statue of Buddha upon entering the temple in Hampshire%2E%5E69747%7Cglasses%2Ejpg%7CInsyxiengmay carries cleaning supplies into residence as the community gathers at the temple to build the float for the New Year parade%2E%5E73514%7Chand%5Fmirror%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay sneaks a peek at his much%2Dchanged appearance while cleaning the restroom in the Buddharam residence%2E%5E77244%7Cbless%2Ejpg%7CVen%2E Daosavanh Phommasene and Insyxiengmay bestow a blessing on Bosley Raspur who was brought to the temple by his father Mee Raspur when he started to come down with a cold%2E%5E81027%7Con%5Ftruck%2Ejpg%7CVen%2E Daosavanh Phommasene sits upon the platform as Dang Insyxiengmay helps build the float for the New Year Parade%2E%5E85443%7C811%5Fhelping%2Ejpg%7CVen%2E Daosavanh Phommasene and Insyxiengmay adorn the roof of the temple with overlapping banners in preparation for the New Year festivities%5E88823%7Cpaint%5Fgroup%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay%2C Ven%2E Daosavanh Phommasene and May Sisoulat paint the platform for the winner of the Lao pageant%2E%5E92598%7Cmay%5Flaugh%2Ejpg%7CMay Sisoulat and Dang Insyxiengmay are close in age and developed a close friendship during Insyxiengmay%27s time at the temple%2E %5E96253%7Cmake%5Ffloat%2Ejpg%7CCommunity members gather at the temple to adorn the New Year parade float with flowers%2E%5E100274%7C612%5Fenglish%5Flessons%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay teaches May Sisoulat a word in English%2E Sisoulat%27s has a limited English vocabulary and Insyxiengmay is not quite fluent in Laotian%2C and both taught the other about their respective languages and cultures%2E%5E103773%7Crip%5Fstick%2Ejpg%7CInsyxiengmay tries to ride a rip stick while playing with some of the adolescents at the temple%2E%5E107310%7C44%5Fbanners%2Ejpg%7CInsyxiengmay struggles to fix the decorations as a strong wind catches the banners lining the driveway to the temple%2E%5E111226%7Csprinkle%5Fwater%2Ejpg%7C%5E114762%7Con%5Ffloat%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay grins as he rides with the other monks at the head of the float carrying the pageant contestants around the temple grounds during the New Year celebration on Sunday%2C April 20%2C 2008%2E%5E118478%7Cbuddha%5Fstatue%2Ejpg%7CEvening at the Wat Lao Buddharam of Northern Illinois%2E%5E121343%7Cbeautiful%5F%5Frtrait%2Ejpg%7CInsyxiengmay wraps his shoulders against the spring chill as he walks the temple grounds during the New Year%27s pageant on Saturday%2C April 19%2E As a monk%2C Insyxiengmay did not attend the pageant itself or participate in the dancing%2E%5E125565%7Cforeheads%2Ejpg%7CVen%2E Daosavanh Phommasene touches his forehead to Insyxiengmay%27s as he releases him from his week as a monk%2E%5E128266%7Cdredge%5Fpool%2Ejpg%7CDang cleans the pond at the base of the statue of Buddha at the end of a day of chores%2E%5E131108%7Crelax%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay rests on the porch after a long day of preparation for the New Year celebration in Hapshire%2E%5E134674%7Cbanner%2Ejpg%7CDang Insyxiengmay hands colorful banners to May Sisoulat as the pair work into the night on the decorations adorning the temple for the New Year celebration%2E